Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bike Girl Vs The Cahuenga Pass Pt 2

Bike Girl has to apologize for a factual inaccuracy in a previous post. She had said in this post that between 13 and 20 streetlights were out on Cahuenga West between Barham and the Hollywood Bowl.

That's not quite true.

Bike Girl made another count and found that, in fact, there are 28 streetlights out on that stretch.

Now for the nit-pickers, Bike Girl will admit that two of those 28 are right in front of the Hollywood Bowl, so the number could be argued down to 26.

But on her commute to work today, Bike Girl noticed that the DWP is doing something to make up for the blackness in the Cahuenga Pass. In the middle of the day, half the streetlights were on.

So if 28 lights are out at night, but 28 others are left on in the day, does that cancel out? Bike Girl's Math says no.


Mar said...

Rock on Bike Girl! I'm glad I came to your site. It's bookmarked! I recently went car free and got a rockin' "folder". I applaud you and your blog!
I've got a quick question. Have you ever parked your bike at the Hollywood Bowl? Is there a safe lockup area? maybe right in Front?

Any insight would be helpful...

Gary said...

Haha, what a silly city we live in sometimes. Any word from LaBonge's office on this issue yet?

Bike Girl said...


There's a fence in front of the Bowl that frequently has many many bikes locked to it.

Bike Girl feels confident leaving her bike locked most places in L.A. as long as she has her good locks with her.


Bike Girl said...


No word from LaBonge's office.

Mar said...

Hey Bike Girl,
The Hollywood Bowl does have a metal grading fence just to the right of the entrance gate. It can fit maybe 6 or 7 bikes maximum! The Bowl holds 17,000 seats. As gas prices rise and economic downturns continue, more and more people are going to consider going to the Bowl on bike. I'll inquire with Bowl authorities to see if they have an organized area for bicycle parking. If not, we'll get it on their agenda to make one happen for a lot more bikers.
My experience last night parking my bike at the Bowl was great! I have two Kryptonite locks, and being next to the gate makes it even safer! I highly recommend considering biking to the Bowl, especially if you live near the awesome LA Metro subway system.
Keeping my carbon footprint low,
...and getting great exercise too!